Basic Folk 69 – Nerissa Nields

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Nerissa Nields is a guitarist, songwriter and singer best known for performing with her sister Katryna in The Nields and as a duo. She grew up outside of Washington, DC surrounded by music and politics, which had a profound impact on her formative years. She especially found herself greatly influenced by the music of Pete Seeger. These days, Nerissa finds it more difficult to find common ground with those she disagrees with politically, but is refreshingly honest about how she feels. In fact, this whole conversation with Nerissa is filled with incredibly honest and revealing realizations she’s discovered along the way. I appreciated her forwardness with some sensitive questions: like considering a childless life after her divorce in her mid-30’s. I admire how much she was willing to put her story out there for others. I’ve been a huge fan of the Nields since high school and Nerissa’s music changed my life and opened my eyes to a modern-era underground folk movement. What’s wild is that I first saw The Nields at MixFest in 1999, a hot AC station (Mix 98.5) that hosted a concert every year in Govenment Center. They played along with Ben Folds Five, Fleming & John, Duran Duran and Lou Vega (Mambo No. 5 guy!). It was wild. Anyways. I love The Nields and this was quite a thrill to talk to Nerissa. Thanks for listening!

The Nields performing “Easy People” for Passim’s Keep Your Distance Fest

The Nields’ latest album